Insynco is an online Naturopathic clinic offering consultations to hollistically treat patients’ conditions from the root cause. 

Timeline: October to November 2023

My Role: UX Designer, worked with 2 other UX designers and the Co-founder of Insynco

Tools Used: Zoom, Miro, Figma

  • Project Background

    Insynco caters to those who have tried general medical treatments for their health conditions without success. These people have tried everything else and they’ve spent so much money and time on treatments that either don’t work or give them side effects and make the problem worse.

  • Problem

    Over the past 7 years, Insynco’s website has expanded to include a lot of helpful information. However, it needs to be organized in a way that allows users to quickly learn about Insynco’s benefits and get the right information to make their decision to book an appointment.

  • Solution

    Restructure the homepage to include important information that would motivate a user to book an appointment.

The Kick-off Call

zoom call screenshot

During our kick-off call, we had a chance to understand more about Insynco’s business model, their current website, what was working, and what we could help with. This information gave us the framework for our next steps.

Project Planning

  • It’s important for Insynco to built trust with new visitors to their site. Without reviews, we will need to work on copy that shares social proof without including testimonials.

    Since we don’t have previous user research, we will start with what we do know. Our usability tests will shed some more light on what prospective users like and dislike. And we will work with the client to understand a user’s typical journey toward booking their first appointment.

  • About the Doctors: The doctors that are associated with InSynco are trained and licensed in the medical field. They use advanced lab testing and prefer to treat the root cause of the issues, and not only the symptoms. Research is predominantly science-based.

    Purpose of the website: To match patients with doctors who are catered to solving their issues best.

    Persona: Majority of the audience are already searching for doctors. They are familiar with the process.

    Age range is 25-55. 60-70% female. Business professionals. The main issues they face are: weight loss, skin health, hormonal, and digestion. Money conscious.

    ** key note: men should not be overlooked regardless of the gender statistics.

    Key issues: No centralized approach. The website is essentially a jigsaw puzzle of bits and pieces that are scattered in patches.

    Style Likes: Cohesive. Simple. Functional. Unique. Emphasis on design flow and visuals, as well as a science-centered design with gender neutral compounds.

    Style Dislikes: Nature, leaves, and other typical holistic themes that are the general trend for unlicensed competitors.

Competitor Analysis: Uncovering Strategies from Competitor Sites

  • These three healthcare and wellness competitors use strategies that make it easy for a new site visitor to quickly understand if their practice is right for them. Some of the benefits they offer include clear CTA buttons with consistent wording, the right amount of information at first glance, transparency in pricing and social proof. We will be keeping these in mind as we head into Insynco’s redesign.

User Journey: Stepping into the Shoes of Insynco’s User

Insynco’s user is a busy professional who is tired of visiting doctors for her condition without success. She doesn’t want to waste more time looking for answers, so Insynco’s website needs to provide a quick overview to help her understand if this type of treatment will be right for her.

  • Taking what we know, it was time to put ourselves into Insyco’s user’s shoes. Guided by our client, we created a user journey map to help us understand each step that the user goes through in order to reach their goal of booking an appointment.

    We will be able to use this map as a tool for restructuring Insyco’s current homepage so that users can get the most benefit from their first few minutes on the site.

Low Fidelity Wireframe:
Restructuring the Homepage Information Architecture

  • Each designer came up with one wireframe for a total of three low fidelity wireframes. We then discussed which elements from each wireframe most closely matches the steps our user would take from our user journey map.

    The elements we all agreed would help our client the most:

    • A consistent CTA with clear wording as to what the user will achieve

    • A quick overview of what Insyco does and how they can help their user

    • Transparent pricing and treatment information

    • A simple booking form that uses progressive disclosure

Incorporating a Style Guide

  • Before starting, we received feedback from our client on our low fidelity wireframes. We implemented changes accordingly and then incorporated a style guide into our high fidelity screen.

    Our color choices included purples and light reds to keep the brand style consistent. We made sure to check color contrast to ensure accessibility, and chose a readable font across all screen sizes.

User Testing:
Comparing the New vs. Existing Site Designs

  • What stands out to you right away?

    What steps would you take to book an appointment?

    What do you think InSynco is about?

    Does anything confuse you?

    How much is our service? What does it entail?

    Is there anything else you wish you knew prior to booking an appointment?

    Why do you think we use 5 doctors instead of 1?

    What steps would you take for more information / if you have further questions?

  • InSynco Usability Tests (Old. vs. New) November 8, 2023

    Summary of Results - Usability Test Report

    The usability tests conducted to compare two versions of Insynco's website design yielded valuable insights from a diverse user group, each offering distinct perspectives and preferences. The users were not aware of which website was the old nor new.

    User 1, a 39-year-old data analyst, appreciated the trustworthiness of the new design, even though it was less vibrant than the existing website. He appreciates the timeline on the new design. He expected a qualifying questionnaire via the "Am I a Candidate?" button and desired clearer pricing information and a more straightforward booking process for both versions. He prefers to be able to input his exact availability.

    Similarly, User 2, a young female well-versed in holistic wellness, noted the colorful nature of the existing website, though she felt it wasn't common for a medical site. She suggested a change from "mentors" to "doctors" and preferred clearer explanations for the purpose of having five doctors. In the new design, she favored clearer health conditions icons and the "Trusted by..." section. She desired a more detailed "Am I a Candidate" section and clearer pricing information. She particularly liked the hover-over for the doctors section in the new design and expressed that the new website is more along the lines of what she expects from a medical website.

    The feedback from User 3, a 23-year-old in the medical field, was positive about the visual appeal and user-friendliness of the new design, noting its clear cost information and ease of navigation. However, she sought a clearer understanding of the purpose behind having five doctors for collaborative care.

    User 4, a 26-year-old in fashion utilizing natural medicine, commended the sleek and clear layout of the new homepage and appreciated the modern and clear appearance. She found the old homepage to appear dated. However, she wanted more comprehensive information about each doctor and their specializations on the new design. She appreciated the cost transparency on both.

    In contrast, User 5, a 38-year-old office manager, favored the cleaner appearance of the original design, but acknowledged improvements in content on the updated site. Despite appreciating the updates, they found pricing information unclear and were disappointed by how easily this section could be misinterpreted. Furthermore, they expressed confusion regarding the concept of collaborative care. He was previously confused on if the appointments were virtual or not, but was able to figure this out once viewing the new website.

    User 6, a 29-year-old business owner in the health field, preferred the updated design for its practicality and aesthetics. She highlighted inconsistencies in button language and proposed a consistently accessible FAQ section (a stuck pop-up perhaps). For example, on the old website she pointed out how “get started here” and “reserve my spot” are too similar in language. On the new website, while she liked the "what to expect" section, she recommended changes in the language used for the "start your naturopathic journey" segment such as "how can we support you?". In addition, she suggests changing our CTA to "Start Your Journey". She particularly liked the new FAQ and how “contact us” was right next to it.

    Overall, the users expressed preferences for different elements in the designs, emphasizing the importance of clarity in information presentation, pricing, and doctor expertise. There were consistent calls for improvements in the booking process, clearer criteria, and a more comprehensive understanding of InSynco's approach in both versions of the website. Five out of 6 users preferred the new website design. Thus, we will continue working with this design while implementing their improvement suggestions.

User Feedback for the New Design

Updated High Fidelity Screen

Key Learnings and Next Steps:

I went into this project with lots of questions, but not all of them were answered. This project opened me up to a new way of working with limited data, and helped me focus on the design challenge of working around constraints.

Next steps: In order to make this homepage design successful, we would need to A/B test how this performs vs. the existing site over the course of 3 months or more, depending on the amount of visitors. It would be beneficial to do another usability test with users who are already in the process of exploring Insyco as an option for them. Understanding how users feel about this new homepage through usability tests, hot jar videos, google analytics and A/B testing will provide us with enough data to make strategic decisions on what changes to make next.


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